Saturday, July 7, 2012

Intact OA #1

Wilbert Xeryus S. Uy Jr. 124764

1. Having the LS Dress Code imposed was enough to discipline students. Although the dress code is not that strict compared to others, still students have the right to express themselves in a better way. I believe that the LS Dress Code is relevant to all of us not only it guides us towards a better future but also the name of our school relies on it.

2. Plagiarism is as bad as stealing. Claiming someone else’s work as if it is yours is just not right. Plagiarizing often occurs when we cram. Even if we did it on purpose or not, the law is still the law. Certainly, no one would like someone to steal their ideas. I think that everyone of us has the right to receive the credit we deserve from our doings.